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Facility Engineering Protocols for Compliant Static Control Flooring Installation

September 24th, 2014 No comments

Note: This is an article that appeared in the FAcilities Engineering Journal in the July/August 2014 Edition. You can visit the journal’s website at

A person walking across an insulative tile floor can build-up static electricity resulting in electrostatic discharges (ESD). When a hand touches a doorknob, it can take 3000 to 3500 volts to feel a sudden shock. In 1971, Intel’s 4004 microprocessor equaled about 2300 transistors. At the end of 2008, Intel’s Dual Core Itanium 2 smashed the 2 billion transistor equivalency barrier.

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The Silent Killer: Suspect/Counterfeit Items and Packaging

September 23rd, 2014 No comments

Over the past several years, U.S. based organizations have curtailed traditional internal verification efforts due to reliance on contract manufacturers, distributors and suppliers to do the right thing. The inspection of ESD sensitive parts is very important, but without special safeguards, the additional handling to remove and repack a product for validation can cause both physical and ESD damage in the process. For parts, including those not sensitive to static electricity, measures must be utilized to detect, inspect and validate the packaging that identifies and protects the product.

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A 1kV Discharge Directly onto a Staple Leads to Increased Energy Penetration Inside Metallized Static Shielding Bags

December 6th, 2013 No comments

Editor’s Note: Due to the overwhelming amount of positive feedback from the September 2013 issue of In Compliance (pp. 42-48), a follow-up article with additional lab testing by the author was necessary to respond to an aerospace prime.

Thank you for your informative article on “Pin Holes & Staples Lead to Diminished Performance in Metallized Static Shielding Bags.” Have you considered what happens if there is an ESD discharge to the staple in a bag?

Outstanding question! If the reader will recall from last month’s article, initial lab testing was conducted by the author for Type III static shielding bags to ANSI/ESD STM11.31-2012. According to the ESD Association, “This standard test method provides a method for testing and determining the shielding capabilities of electrostatic shielding bags.”

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Pin Holes & Staples Lead to Diminished Performance in Metallized Static Shielding Bags

December 4th, 2013 No comments

As early as 1985, the author recalls re-occurring discussions of the effects of puncture holes from component leads and stapling of static shielding bags.

In July 2013, the ESD Experts page on LinkedIn® started a discussion by a USA computer manufacturing company that generated participation from end users, suppliers and consultants both here and abroad. In years past, some held opinions that pin holes do not greatly affect static shielding of metallized bags. There is, however, minimal published data to fall back upon regarding this subject matter. Read more…