Because the movement of people and materials through sensitive electronics environments generate static charges, the selection and use of floor materials to control electrostatic discharge becomes a critical issue. Frequently, however, users of
these materials base their evaluation, comparison, and subsequent selection on a potpourri of electrostatic properties and test procedures, many of them either inappropriate or inadequate. Facing the same ill-define requirements,
material vendors are at a loss to provide adequate products information for decision making and have little guidance for developing and offering products to meet use requirements. Read more…
Why does your PCS-71A or ESL-715A Static Locator Recently not zero? Even after connecting your meter to earth ground and turn on the meter and hit the “ZERO” button twice, it reads 0.02 instead 0.00.
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Stephen Halperin & Associates, Ltd. (SH&A) an independent consultancy of Bensenville, IL is pleased to announce a new cooperative certification agreement with the ESD Association, Inc. (ESDA) a not for profit association based in Rome, NY. In the agreement the ESDA grants SH&A the authorization to certify candidates to the ESDA’s TR53 Technician designation should they successfully pass SH&A’s Level 1: ANSI/ESD S20.20 Plant Auditor examination. Both organizations focus on the education, training and certification of plant auditors and technicians who must measure and maintain electrostatic discharge (ESD) controls in static sensitive environments. Many of these operations handle highly static sensitive electronic parts and assemblies. Personnel trained and certified in these specialized measurement techniques insure that ESD controls are in-place and functioning to prevent billions of dollars of ESD losses. Read more…
Note: This is an article that appeared in the FAcilities Engineering Journal in the July/August 2014 Edition. You can visit the journal’s website at
A person walking across an insulative tile floor can build-up static electricity resulting in electrostatic discharges (ESD). When a hand touches a doorknob, it can take 3000 to 3500 volts to feel a sudden shock. In 1971, Intel’s 4004 microprocessor equaled about 2300 transistors. At the end of 2008, Intel’s Dual Core Itanium 2 smashed the 2 billion transistor equivalency barrier.
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Over the past several years, U.S. based organizations have curtailed traditional internal verification efforts due to reliance on contract manufacturers, distributors and suppliers to do the right thing. The inspection of ESD sensitive parts is very important, but without special safeguards, the additional handling to remove and repack a product for validation can cause both physical and ESD damage in the process. For parts, including those not sensitive to static electricity, measures must be utilized to detect, inspect and validate the packaging that identifies and protects the product.
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Error Message:
Application has generated an exception that could not be handled…
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All ESD Association (ESDA) standards that are used to evaluate the properties of ESD controlled materials require testing under defined temperature and relative humidity conditions. Although the exact values vary by standards document the typical environmental conditions are:
• Low Relative Humidity – 12% ± 3% RH and 230 C ± 30C
• Moderate Relative Humidity – 50% ± 5% and 230 C ± 30C
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For many years companies, that handle electrostatic discharge (ESD) sensitive products, have asked if it is safe to connect their employees to ground when they are working with powered equipment.
The answer to this question is not a simple “yes” or “no”. The grounding methods required by ESD Control Programs such as ANSI/ESD S20.20 and IEC 61340-5-1 often conflict with the requirements for protecting personnel from hazardous electrical currents in some operations. Read more…
Recently, a customer asked a question regarding use of the ANSI/ESD STM97.2 Walking Test (Floor Materials and Footwear – Voltage Measurement in Combination with a Person). She wanted to know if it was necessary to have for an EPA (ESD Protected Area). In my opinion the STM97.2 walking test should be used as necessary as follows. Read more…
Applies To: Windows® Vista
The Prostat PRS-801 Resistance System comes with an application for your computer where you can transfer data stored on your resistance meter to an Excel® Spreadsheet. However, the PRS-801 Meter itself is only equipped with a RS-232 Serial Port. And because most computers do not have serial ports installed from the manufacturer, you need to use a USB Serial Adapter to connect your PRS-801 to your computer.
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