Using a USB Serial Adapter to connect your PRS-801 Resistance Meter for Windows XP

April 18th, 2014 No comments

Applies To: Windows® XP

The Prostat PRS-801 Resistance System comes with an application for your computer where you can transfer data stored on your resistance meter to an Excel® Spreadsheet. However, the PRS-801 Meter itself is only equipped with a RS-232 Serial Port. And because most computers do not have serial ports installed from the manufacturer, you need to use a USB Serial Adapter to connect your PRS-801 to your computer. Read more…

The Truth About ESD Class 0

April 17th, 2014 No comments

Written by Stephen Halperin, Stephen Halperin & Associates, Ltd.; David E Swenson, Affinity Static Control Consulting, LLC; Craig Zander, Prostat Corporation

Originally Published: September 01, 2010, IN Compliance Magazine

The electronics industry is terribly confused by the term Class 0. Particularly when it comes to electrostatic discharge (ESD) device sensitivity and how the term applies to factory controls designed to mitigate ESD. The confusion manifests itself through the many companies and engineers seeking direction on how to “become qualified to handle Class 0 devices.” They are seeking this information because their equally confused customers have imposed requirements on them to meet this mythical level of performance. Not only is Class 0 as a factory level of performance a contrived ideal, it is not a realistic or useful goal. Our purpose here is to explain reality and what is necessary for understanding device ESD sensitivity and establishing control.

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Compliance Verification Measurements for ESD Worksurfaces

April 14th, 2014 No comments

Here is a some guidelines on how to be in compliance for verification measurements for ESD Works surfaces.

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What is ESD Class Zero?

April 14th, 2014 No comments

What should you do when your customer tells you that their new product contains “Class Zero” parts? The wrong thing to do is panic. The right thing to do is ask a series of questions that will help to clarify the issue and assist in developing a course of action – if one is even needed. However, before we start asking questions let’s discuss the meaning of “Class Zero”. Read more…

How to troubleshoot ICT and Depanel Machine while connected to Ground

April 14th, 2014 No comments

How can you troubleshoot ICT and Depanel Machine while it’s connected to ground? Of course you must look for fields, make sure there is continuity to ground from all metal in critical path. However, we developed a very effective technique of analysis that has helped us identify cause of problems in the manufacturing process. First, you must clear your mind of preconceived causes and measure the process objectively as outlined in the EPCA Technical Report, below. Read more…

How does the PRS-801 communicate with your Computer?

Many people wonder if it’s possible to send data to the Prostat PRS-801 Resistance System. The PRS-801 Resistance System communication is “one way” only. It outputs to a spreadsheet – Excel is recommended. There is no communication to the 801 instrument, nor is there a two way function that can be implemented. Read more…

Compliance Verification Training for Garment Resistance Point to Point

February 12th, 2014 No comments

ANSI/ESD S20.20 requires that the ESD controls used in a compliant program be periodically verified;

  • Frequency of verification is determined by the user
  • The technical limits for most items are defined in the various tables of the standard

The ESDA Technical Report-ESD TR53-01-06 Compliance Verification of ESD Protective Equipment and Materials describes each of the required compliance verification methods which can be reduced to (6) basic procedures. This article described the procedure for Garment Resistance Point to Point. Read more…

Compliance Verification Training for Resistance to Ground

February 12th, 2014 No comments

ANSI/ESD S20.20 requires that the ESD controls used in a compliant program be periodically verified;

  • Frequency of verification is determined by the user
  • The technical limits for most items are defined in the various tables of the standard

The ESDA Technical Report-ESD TR53-01-06 Compliance Verification of ESD Protective Equipment and Materials describes each of the required compliance verification methods which can be reduced to (6) basic procedures. This article described the procedure for Resistance to Ground. Read more…

Installing Drivers for your PGA-710B Autoanalysis System

January 10th, 2014 No comments

Applies To: Windows® XP, Vista, Win7 32-bit, Win7 64-bit, Win8 32-bit, Win8 64-bit and Win10

One common mistake that customers make when receiving their new PGA-710B Autoanalysis System is assuming that the drivers are pre-installed in Windows and by simply connecting the PGA-710B device to their computer via the USB port, the drivers will install automatically and that the device will start working instantly. Unfortunately, you will need to manually install the Virtual COM Port Driver prior to connecting your PGA-710B device to the computer.

Here’s how to do this: Read more…

A 1kV Discharge Directly onto a Staple Leads to Increased Energy Penetration Inside Metallized Static Shielding Bags

December 6th, 2013 No comments

Editor’s Note: Due to the overwhelming amount of positive feedback from the September 2013 issue of In Compliance (pp. 42-48), a follow-up article with additional lab testing by the author was necessary to respond to an aerospace prime.

Thank you for your informative article on “Pin Holes & Staples Lead to Diminished Performance in Metallized Static Shielding Bags.” Have you considered what happens if there is an ESD discharge to the staple in a bag?

Outstanding question! If the reader will recall from last month’s article, initial lab testing was conducted by the author for Type III static shielding bags to ANSI/ESD STM11.31-2012. According to the ESD Association, “This standard test method provides a method for testing and determining the shielding capabilities of electrostatic shielding bags.”

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